Activities Room A
Nusa Dua 1-4
Room B
Uluwatu 5
Room C
Uluwatu 7
Room D
Uluwatu 2
Room E
Uluwatu 3
Room F
Uluwatu 4
Room G
Kintamani 5
Room H
Kintamani 6
Room I
Kintamani 7
Room J
Kintamani 3
Kintamani 2
Kintamani 1
DAY D-1 | Wednesday, 2nd October 2024
09.00 - 12.00 Ekonomi Kesehatan Kemenkes: Workshop Cancer Control Planning
Classroom 50 Pax
PIC: Bu Sandra
(Side Event) Indonesian Pediatric Society (IDAI)
Roundtable 50 Pax
PIC: Dr. Reni/Dr. Sari
13.00 - 18.00 Isabelle & PTM Kemenkes: Workshop Planning for a Succesesful Implementation of Cervical Cencer Elimination Program
Classroom 50 Pax
PIC: Bu Sandra
DAY 1 | Thursday, 3rd October 2024
08.00 - 10.00 Side Event : Closing IAEA QUATTRO RTC
10.00 - 11.00 Opening OPENING CEREMONY

10.00 - 10.10: Opening by MC
10.10 - 10. 25: WHO DG - Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus: "WHO Directives and Priorities in Global Cancer Control" (tbc)
10.25 - 10.40: IAEA DG - Rafael Mariano Grossi: "IAEA Strategies to Accelerate Improvement in Access to Quality Cancer Care through Ray of Hope Initiatives" (tbc)
10.40 - 10.55: Minister of Health of Indonesia - Budi Gunadi Sadikin: Opening Speech

11.00 - 12.30 Plenary PLENARY A (Speaker 1 - 3)

- HRH Princess Dina Mired: "Resilience in Improving Equitable Access to Cancer Care"
- Rifat Atun: "Investing in Cancer Control"
- CS Pramesh: "Reducing Disparities in Cancer Care"

12.30 - 12.45 Exhibition Opening
12.45 - 13.30 LUNCH BREAK/Symposium
13.30 - 14.30 Plenary PLENARY B (Speaker 4 - 5)

- Takashi Kohno: "From Dream to Reality: Initiatives to Realize National Cancer Genome Medicine"
- Smriti Rana: "Mind the Gap: Reframing Palliative Care through a Global South Perspective"

14.30 - 15.00 COFFEE BREAK
15.00 - 16.30 Breakout 1 A.4.1. Access Research in Cancer Care B.2.1. Conquering Lung Cancer in the 21st Century C.4.2. Next Generation Cancer Immunotherapy D.P.1. Proffered Papers E.5.1. Multistakeholders Partnership for Equity: Meaningful & Systematic Engagement in Cancer Planning, Implementation, Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (Side-Event) Neurooncology G.3.1. What’s new in Women's Cancer's Pathology H.P.2 Proffered Papers I.3.2. CAR-T Cell Therapy in Lymphoid and Other Malignancies J.3.3. Latest Updates in Thyroid Cancer Management: Role of Multidisciplinary Team in treating Advanced Thyroid Cancer (Special Session): Bridging the imPACT Recommendation to The Development of NCCP Indonesia
(Large U-Shape + Theatre)
16.30 - 18.00 Breakout 2 A.4.3. Ask The Expert: Managing National Cancer Genomics' Data. B.2.2. CNS Tumors' Diagnosis & Management: Challenge in Developing Countries C.2.3. Pediatric Cancer Early Detection D.3.4. Close the Gap – Bridging North and South in Advanced Ovarian Cancer Management E.5.2. Multistakeholders Partnership for Equity: Resource mobilization and management (Funding, People, Facilities) (Side-Event) AOS G.3.5. Caring for the Sickest Across the Continuum: From the Hospital to the Community H.3.6. Recurrent Nasopharyngeal Cancer Comprehensive Management I.3.7. Thoracic Comprehensive Management J.P.3 Proffered Papers
19.00 - 21.00 FACULTY DINNER
Activities Room A
Nusa Dua 1-4
Room B
Uluwatu 5
Room C
Uluwatu 7
Room D
Uluwatu 2
Room E
Uluwatu 3
Room F
Uluwatu 4
Room G
Kintamani 5
Room H
Kintamani 6
Room I
Kintamani 7
Room J
Kintamani 3
Kintamani 2
Kintamani 1
DAY 2 | Friday, 4th October 2024
08.00 - 09.00 Plenary PLENARY C (Speaker 6 - 7)

- Patrick Wen - "Neuro-Oncology in Developing Country"
- Pancras CW Hogendoorn: "Global Challenges in Pathology in Precision Medicine Era"

09.00 - 09.30 COFFEE BREAK
09.30 - 11.00 Breakout 3 A.3.8-9. Personalized Breast Cancer Management B.2.4. Future Trends Breast Cancer Screening: Personalized Screening implementation to community leve C.4.4. Pathology: A Focus on the Regulation of Immune Checkpoints D.4.5. Cutting Edge research in Cancer Biology E.5.3. CSO Roles and Effectiveness: Advocacy & Literacy (Side-Event) InaSNO Business Meeting G.3.10. State The Art : Innovations in Management of Colorectal Cancer H.3.11. Close the Gap – Bridging North and South in Advanced Cervical Cancer Management J.P.4 Proffered Papers J.P.4 Proffered Papers I.1.1. Panel Discussion: Women, power, and cancer: key actions for progress towards a gender responsive, equitable cancer control Side Event : IWIS
PIC : Dr Kardinah & GE
11.00 - 12.30 Breakout 4 J.P.4 Proffered Papers C.4.6. Artificial Intelligence in Cancer Care D.2.5. Ask The Expert: Fact and Myth of Electronic Cigarette E.5.4. CSO Roles and Effectiveness: Service (Side-Event) IROS Business Meeting G.P.5. Proffered Papers H.P.6. Proffered Papers I.3.12. Value-based Medicine in Curative - Palliative - Terminal Stages’ Transitions J.1.3. Panel Discussion: Patient navigation system to improve access to cancer care and outcomes B.1.2. Cancer Control Networks
12.30 - 13.15 LUNCH BREAK/Symposium
13.15 - 14.45 Breakout 5 A.1.4. Advancing Palliative Care Through Collaboration and Policy Reform B.2.6. Close the Gap – Bridging North and South in Cervical Cancer Elimination C.P.7. Proffered Papers D.4.7. Improving Capacity of Clinical Trials: Beyond Country Scope E.5.5. CSO Governance and Sustainability (Side-Event) Psychiatry G.3.13. Localized Prostate Cancer H.3.14. Advanced Lung Cancer Management I.P.9. Proffered Papers J.3.15. Molecular Diagnosis in Lymphoid Malignancies I.P.9. Proffered Papers Side Event : IWIS
PIC: Dr Kardinah & GE
14.45 - 16.15 Breakout 6 A.1.5. Debate: Cutting-Edge vs Basic Services? B.2.7. Health promotion and (Primary) Prevention C.1.6. National Cancer Control Entity & Planning E.P.10. Proffered Papers E.P.10. Proffered Papers (Side-event) IMERI Round-table Discussion 1 - Basic Oncology Research Collaboration G.P.11. Proffered Papers H.3.16. Comprehensive Multidisciplinary Review of Complex Skin Cancer Cases I.3.17. Implementing Advanced Diagnostic & Treatment of Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in the Real World I.P.9. Proffered Papers J.3.18. Managing Soft Tissue Sarcoma is So Hard
16.15 - 16.45 COFFEE BREAK
16.45 - 17.45 Plenary PLENARY D (Speaker 8 - 9)

- Anil D'Cruz: "Thinking Forward on Progress and Future Challenges for Global Cancer Surgery"
- Giuseppe Curigliano: "Precision Medicine" (Med.Onc)

19.00 - 21.00 CONGRESS DINNER
Activities Room A
Nusa Dua 1-4
Room B
Uluwatu 5
Room C
Uluwatu 7
Room D
Uluwatu 2
Room E
Uluwatu 3
Room F
Uluwatu 4
Room G
Kintamani 5
Room H
Kintamani 6
Room I
Kintamani 7
Room J
Kintamani 3
Kintamani 2
Kintamani 1
DAY 3 | Saturday, 5th October 2024
09.00 - 10.00 Plenary PLENARY E (Speaker 10 - 11)

- Vincent Gregoire: "Radiation Oncology for Head and Neck Tumors: the Past, the Present, and the Future"
- Michael Hofman: "Principles and Key Milestones in the Evolution of Theranostics"

10.00 - 10.15 COFFEE BREAK
10.15 - 11.45 Breakout 7 A.1.7. Panel Discussion Toward Prioritizing Childhood Cancer as the Next Global Health Priority B.P.12. Proffered Papers C.4.8. Global Perspectives and Collaborative Strategies in Palliative and Cancer Research E.P.10. Proffered Papers E.5.6. Community Empowerment PTM Kemenkes: Workshop Colposcopy: One step closer to cervical elimination
Classroom 30 Pax Morning Session
U-Shape 30 Pax Afternoon Session
Fullday 08.00 - 18.00
PIC: Bu Sandra
G.3.19 Advanced Prostate Cancer H.3.20. Management of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) I.3.21. Advanced Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Treatment in Developing Country J.3.22. Evolving Role of Adaptive Radiation Therapy (Side-event) IMERI Round-table discussion 2 - Role of Academia in Strengthening National Cancer Control Program Side Event : IWIS
PIC: Dr Kardinah & GE
11.45 - 13.15 Breakout 8 A.1.8. Understanding international variation in Cancer Outcome: the role of earlier diagnosis and equitable treatment B.2.8. Genomic Cancer Prediction Testing C.P.13. Proffered Papers D.3.16. MDT Approach to Ophthalmic Cancer E.5.7. Cross Talk with Survivors’ Group for Cancer G.3.24. Metastatic Bone Disease - Challenges H.3.25. Early-Stage Lung Cancer Management I.P.15. Proffered Papers J.3.26. Early-Stage Lung Cancer Management
13.15 - 14.00 LUNCH BREAK/Symposium
14.00 - 15.00 Plenary PLENARY F (Speaker 12 - 13)

- Karen Canfell: "Eliminating Cervical Cancer in Low and Middle Income countries"
- Mary Nyangasi: "Global Breast Cancer Initiative"

15.00 - 16.00 Plenary Cross-Talk Synchronized Strategy among Global Organizations/Coalitions for Cancer
16.00 - 16.30 Closing Ceremony Closing Ceremony + Awards
Sunday, 6th October 2024
08.00 - 18.00 SIDE EVENT PORI